Saturday, April 23, 2011

How fast can you type?

Have you ever taken one of those typing tests online to see how fast you can type?  I caught the tail end of "The Office" tonight and in one of the scene's they were talking about how fast they can type.  Now granted, they are actors and only interpreting a script, however, I was quite impressed with how fast two of the characters said they could type. One said she could type 90 WPM and another "shamefully" said he could only type 65 WPM.  The last time I checked, I thought that "65 WPM" was pretty good! Haha. So, I couldn't help but Google "typing test" online and take one myself.  You see how I ranked compared to the characters of "The Office!"  Why else would I do something so silly?!? 

I first came across  I didn't like this site because the sample paragraph you are supposed to re-type has a bunch of weird words, titles and punctuation that takes extra long to type out. I didn't think that it was a true indicator of how fast you can type.  So, I tried another site.  It was way better as it had normal paragraphs to re-type.  After taking their test, I averaged 86 WPM. I know my dear friend "Steelerwife" is going to comment that she can probably type like 300 WPM, but I will take my 86 WPM and hold my head high :)  Steelerwife, I will gladly award you with the gold medal for typing! I'll settle for silver! haha!


  1. LOL!!! This is a great post! I haven't tested myself in a long time - I may have to! I'll let you know the outcome. And yes, even though I may be able to type fast, I've also been doing a job for the past 10 years where I type for a straight 8 hours a day. I'd say I've had some practice :)

    LOL! My 'word verification' is BOWEL!

  2. Well I did two: One was 99wpm and the other 115.

  3. But of course they were NOT without errors. I think I found the test you were talkin' about with weird words. I tried it anyway. That was the 99wpm. Then I clicked "New test" and it was much easier! ha!

  4. Haha! Yes, the captcha words are funny!

    I admire how fast you can type! 10 years of experience is way better then anything I can say. 115? That is amazing and will give me something to strive for :)
