Here's my word of advice for today...
If you are over the age of 18 and still refer to your father as "my Daddy" please stop. It is almost as annoying as listening to you speak in baby talk. It's not cute... SO STOP!
Okay, now that I got that off my chest.... HAPPY 4TH OF JULY EVERYONE!!!!
For some people I can see this as their norm as it's a 'psychological' thing. The ones that have the mind of a much younger person due to some sort of tragic event growing up. (I'm speaking about someone in particular that I know that refers to her mom as "mommy" and she's our age) But other than the clinical excuse - - THERE IS NONE! LOL!! You must hear this a lot to make you blog about it :) People are funny and mysterious. Much like Tiny Tim (don't ask)